Hillingdon Standing Advisory Council
on Religious Education
Glossary - Islam

Hillingdon SACRE



Call to prayer. From the same root, MuŽaddhin. (One who makes the call to prayer).

Saying; report; account. The sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, as recounted by his household, progeny and companions. These are a major source of Islamic law.

The state or condition of strict discipline entered into to perform Hajj and Umrah. During this period, many normally permitted actions are placed out of bounds to pilgrims. Also, the name of the two plain white unsewn cloths worn by male pilgrims to indicate the brotherhood, equality and purity of the pilgrim. For women, the dress of ihram consists of their normal modest clothing.

The Islamic name for God in the Arabic language. Used in preference to the word God, this Arabic term is singular, has no plural, nor is it associated with masculine, feminine or neuter characteristics. (See Qur’an 2:255, 112:1-4) Pronounced Al-laah.

Annual pilgrimage to Makkah, which each Muslim must undertake at least once in a lifetime if he or she has the means. A Muslim male who has completed Hajj is called Hajji or Al-Hajj, and a female, Hajjah.

Leader. A person who leads the communal prayer; a founder of an Islamic schools of jurisprudence. In ShiŽah Islam, Imam is also the title of Ali and his successors.

Allahu Akbar
Allah is the greatest.

Any action or thing which is permitted or lawful.

Jesus. A Prophet of Allah, born of the virgin Mary.

A plain, a few kilometres from Makkah, where pilgrims gather to worship pray and ask for forgiveness. This takes place on the ninth day of the Islamic month of Dhul–Hijjah, the day before Id-ul-Adha.

Anything unlawful or forbidden.

Peace attained through willing obedience to Allah’s divine guidance. Pronounced Isslaam.

The first MuŽadhin of Islam (see Adhan), a companion of Prophet Muhammad, formerly an Abyssinian slave.

Veil. Often used to describe the headscarf or modest dress worn by women, who are required to cover everything except face, hands and feet in the sight of anyone other than immediate family.

Gabriel. The archangel who delivered Allah’s messages to His Prophets.

In the name of Allah – phrase spoken prior to every action/deed.

Departure; flight; migration. The migration of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions from Makkah to Madinah in 622 CE. The Islamic calendar commences from this event.

Personal individual struggle against evil in the way of Allah. It can also be collective defence of the Muslim community.

David. A prophet of Allah to whom the Zabur (Book of Psalms) was given.

Abraham. A Prophet of Allah to whom the ‘Scrolls’ were given.

Being created by Allah from fire.

‘Life transaction’ or ‘religion’ of Allah – transaction between every being and Allah. Pronounced deen.

Happy occasion shared by all the community

A cube-shaped structure in the centre of the grand mosque in Makkah. The first house built for the worship of the One True God.

Varying forms of personal prayer and supplication.

Id ul Adha
Celebration of the sacrifice, commemorating the Prophet Ibrahim’s obedience to Allah and his willingness to sacrifice his son IsmaŽil.

Makkah (Mecca)
City where the Prophet Muhammad pbuh was born, and where the KaŽbah is located.

Obligatory duty according to divine law, e.g. offering Salah five times a day.

Id ul Fitr
Celebration of the completion of the fast of Ramadan, which is also the first day of Shawal, the tenth Islamic month
Place of prostration. Mosque.
Greater ablution. Formal washing of the whole body prior to worship (see wudu)

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